Monday, June 7, 2010

Recipe: Bliztkuchen (Lightening Cake)

I inherited from Grandma Edie a 1953 edition of "The Joy of Cooking." I keep finding her handwritten notes in the margins, hidden messages intended to save me from kitchen disasters.

It took a long time to narrow down my first recipe and in the process I learned what aspic was (yum!). Opting for something safe I chose to bake Blitzkuchen, a German tea cake known for it's quick baking time. My co-worker says it tastes a bit like a Snicker-doodle, but the cake version.

Beat together until light and creamy:
1 cup powdered or granulated sugar

1/2 cup butter

Stir in:

4 well-beaten egg yolks

1/2 tsp vanilla

In a separate bowl, sift together:

1 1/8 cup cake flour

1 tsp baking powder

Combine wet and dry ingredients, then mix in:

3 Tbsp milk

In a separate bowl, whip until stiff:
4 egg whites

1/4 tsp salt

Fold egg whites lightly into the batter mix.

Place the batter in 2 greased 8x12 inch pans (*I cheated and used one 9x13 pan). Spread top with 1 egg white mixed with 1 Tbsp water. Sprinkle on top:

3/4 cup sugar
2 Tbsp cinnamon

1/2 cup shredded almonds

Bake cake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.


  1. Great Blog, Maggee! Your Mom just told me about it - love the writing, love the topics, love you!
